Monday, March 26, 2007


Genetic breakthrough!

Scientists have created the world's first human-sheep chimera, which has the body of a sheep and human organs. The sheep have 15% human cells and 85% animal cells, the evolution of which brings the prospect of animal organs being transplanted into humans one step closer.
The technique involves injecting adult human cells into sheep's foetus. A sheep liver having a large proportion of human cells has been already created, fuelling hopes to precisely match a sheep to a transplant patient, using their own stem cells to create their own flock of sheep. The process would involve extracting stem cells from the donor's bone marrow and injecting them into the peritoneum of the sheep's foetus. When the lamb is born and becomes two months old, it would have a liver, heart, lungs and brain that are partly human and available for transplant.


Live and let live

Hello Homosapiens,
this is yet another addition to my blog band. Welcome to one and all to my blog on Life, a generalist one, covering diverse aspects of life. The contents may range from educative / newsbearing articles sourced from the press, magazines, books etc. They may be in the form of genuine questions put up to the knowledgeable readers to seek an answer or puzzles, individual life accounts, travel experiences or anything under the sun - why, and beyond the sun too if worthwhile. I would like the blog to become a dynamic storehouse of knowledge, information with some leisure stuff too. Comments are very much welcome.
Inviting you all to a cyber social life at my domain, yours livingly(!),
